Invest in yourself, learn new skills, gain confidence and clarity...all from the comfort of your own home, at a time convenient to you.
Our Real Me. Better We. offers a comprehensive intensive online program you can complete in the privacy of your own home, when it’s convenient for you. You’ll learn how to be relationship ready and succeed online – invest in yourself and reap the benefits of smarter safer dating!
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Abraham Lincoln's quote emphasizes the importance of ensuring you have the right tools to achieve your goal. So many people are looking for love online, but so few take the time to "get prepared". Elite athletes don't just take to the field, they practice - practice again - and again. As humans, we often spend more time investigating the pros/cons of buying a particular model of car or appliance, than getting ready to make the most important decision of our lives. Crazy but true.
Is this program right for you?
Whether you’re not sure where to start, or are online dating now with limited success, you will build your capability learning new skills, gaining confidence and clarity, setting love and relationship goals, and applying practical information to find your authentic love connection.
The Real Me. Better We. program steps through the full L2 learning system - from getting relationship ready, to being authentic in your dating presence and committing to make love happen. Focusing on Love Takes Two, it starts with you, will ensure the essentials of dating and relationships are covered BEFORE the love goggles go on and bamboozle your non-negotiables with a pretty face or smooth talker. Your investment now will save you valuable time and effort AND get your authentic connection faster. And if you are worried about scammers, we cover cover what to look for, so you can gain the benefit of my unfortunate 'online learning experience' and the small incident of the romance scam. Yikes. I want you to be safe out there and avoid my mistakes!
Are you relationship ready?
If you've taken our FREE Relationship Ready Quiz, the Real Me.Better We. program is for you if you've scored "TOO Ready" for a relationship or "Not Sure" if you are ready. You can listen to more about your Quiz results on our Authentic Living YouTube Channel and think about options available to you. You may find insights from the program also if you are "Ready to stay single" as we cover attachment theory and relationship beliefs at a deeper level. Take the FREE quiz as often as you like - as sometimes our mood and circumstances affect how we are feeling about looking for love.
The Real Me. Better We. program is more comprehensive than the Online Dater Accelerator which offers a short, lighter-touch, smart start. Both courses offer different content, so if you start with one, you can always supplement your preparation and understanding about relationships with the other.
What can you expect?
Our Real Me. Better We. comprehensive intensive online program sets out with your specific learning objectives, assessing your 'you are here' situation, and identifying your goals for the program.
*You'll enjoy ten video webinars (over 3.5 hours of content) featuring the latest in neuroscience, attachment theory, best-practice research and will cover topics including:
- Learning about the importance of mindset to imagine success, including guided visualization and intention setting exercises to clarify your success
- Understanding your inherited and acquired belief system about love & relationships
- How your love story and past experiences influence your relationship journey
- Gain awareness of your attachment style and how this influences your behaviour in connecting with other people
- Know the seven pre-dating steps and gain awareness of why being authentic online is essential
- Clarify what you are looking for in a genuine love connection including non-negotiables
- How to create your perfect profile with do's and don'ts of photos
- Know the Ten Guiding Principles to succeed when dating, Ten Traps to Avoid scammers, and how to make better decisions to be smart and safe
- Appreciate the neuroscience of fear, change and how to create new pathways to ensure your success
- Gain confidence and courage to commit to make love happen
- Complete your Personal Dating Agreement with SMART goals and your Dating Crew
Over three weeks, you'll cover new topics every few days and have time for Home Play to reflect and complete exercises that step you closer to your end goal: a genuine love connection. You can take as long as you wish in between topics, and go back and review webinars whenever you like. We are also here to answer any questions you might have, or to clarify any content. Many learners also invest in a coaching program to sit alongside their online learning. Talk to us about which pathway makes sense for you!
What's included?
Sign up for our Real Me. Better We. – our COMPREHENSIVE INTENSIVE pathway to online dating – TODAY and you’ll get over $750 value including:
- The full Love Takes Two, It Starts with You learning system covering the content outlined above* with 3 1/2 hours of video webinars, reflections and tips for TEN comprehensive intensive topics over three weeks
- Our Fun Manual filled with home-play exercises to help you apply your 3-step learning to your love and relationship goals
- featuring the latest in neuroscience and evidence-based research to gain powerful new insights to your own love beliefs and behaviours, gain new relationship ready skills, plus change tips and tools to help you succeed in finding your authentic love connection
- A free Profile & Pics Review (99 value) – Send us your draft profile and pics and we will review and diagnose improvements
- Access to our FaceBook Love Assist Community
- Join our Learning for Living Academy Alumni
- 20% off future purchases (including vouchers for friends)
- :60 minute 1:1 coaching session at the start AND end of your online program (500 value)
Are you ready to take your love life to the next level? Find your genuine love connection? Learn insights about you and your love and relationship beliefs? Let's deep dive with this Learning for Living Academy exclusive offer. You've got this!
The Real Me.Better We. program ($397) comes with a satisfaction guarantee so you can shop with confidence!
CLICK to HEAR from our Community about their success stories on YouTube...