New You in 2022 - Invest Wisely


Each new year we receive a wonderful opportunity to contemplate how we make this year different, better. Today we help prepare for a new you in 2022 by focusing on how you invest your efforts wisely in the months ahead. 

We all have borne witness to the escaping sands of time in our global hour glass - between the pandemic and environmental disasters - how do we make sure this year isn't another blur to the finish? Let's explore a few ideas: investing time wisely, doing scary stuff and learning new things...

What is YOUR most important asset? 

Some days I feel like Lucy at the chocolate factory trying to cram every bonbon life offers down my gob (which also explains the menacing menopause measurements). But not all bonbons are equal. How do we choose which opportunities to take and which bonbons we let pass on the conveyor belt (without FOMO creeping in)? Making good decisions takes time.

We know time is limited, but do you view it an 'asset'? Forbes...

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